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Our history

Guadeloupe Évasion Découverte develops eco-tourism excursions aimed at discovering the functioning of ecosystems and understanding climate impacts.

Our solar electric vessel offers comfort and silence that will immerse you in the heart of the wild life of the marine reserve, through islets, reefs and mangroves.

Our actions and commitments aim to make tourism a spirit of sustainable development for Guadeloupe.

Our partners, members of organizations or associations such as the ONF, the National Park, Kap natirel (turtle network), To TI Jon (bird network), Reguard (shark network), Reef check (Coralie network), Ma ruche de Guadeloupe (bee network), Guadeloupe escape discovery is involved in the protection, awareness and census of protected species.


Guadeloupe Évasion Découverte offers you the opportunity to discover the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin in different ways, by going for the day, discovering the mangroves for a half-day and the possibility of privatizing the boat.

Will the Captain

Will, a fervent defender of marine biodiversity, reveals to you, in a fun and educational way, and with humor, all of its ecosystems. Since December 1, 2022, Will, the owner of the solar electric boat, has continued to strive to raise awareness and prove that we can explore without causing any inconvenience to the environment.

From understanding, discovery in PMT and awareness, to handling, approach and behaviors to adopt with animals.

Will stands out for his family and friendly spirit. He will offer you adaptation and personalized support on board the Taonaba.

Daily program
8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Discover the biodiversity of the Lagoon

1. When covered with corals or other marine organisms, a wreck becomes a substitute habitat for many species.

2. Barely touching the surface of the water, the coral reefs are barely perceptible, yet very present, a true protective environment for thousands of animal and plant species, it demarcates an environment of reproduction and abundant life.

3. The starfish pool, the mangrove is composed of extremely complex and fragile ecosystem sets. Seagrass beds are groups of flowering plants and can form real underwater meadows, they are implanted at shallow depths where there is sufficient light for photosynthesis to occur.

4. The Carénage Mangrove is a GCSM nature reserve, a tropical forest composed of mangroves. It is characterized by its total immersion in water. It is like an assembly of salty mudflats and offers a spectacle of great beauty. It fulfills the role of lung, giant filters and nurseries.

5. Located in the heart of the National Park, end this beautiful day in peace and relaxation, nothing better than observing and listening to the birds singing, our guide will tell you about the particularities, reproductions and nesting of these migratory birds.

Adults 80€
Teenagers 12 to 17 years old €70
Children - 12 years old €50

Half-day program
8:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Dive into the world of mangroves by following these 3 steps

  1. In the heart of calm water, surrounded by mangrove trees, take the time to admire the silence and prosperity of the place.

  2. Explore the seagrass meadows and sandy areas to observe numerous invertebrates and understand their way of life.

  3. Continue into the national park reserve and explore a mangrove several hundred years old, taste a delicious planter and local fruits.

Adults 60€
Children - 12 years old €40

Full day or half day

If you wish to privatize the boat for a birthday, a group of friends, a wedding or any other event, the Taonaba guarantees you first-rate comfort and hospitality.
We are flexible to meet your needs, whether it is for a day or half day, with meal options and many other elements.

Day 1300€
Half day 900€
Up to 20 people


Guadeloupe evasion découverte, sets up fun and educational outings adapted to children of all ages, to raise awareness among our children about the richness of biodiversity and ecosystems on climatic impacts.

Elementary, middle school, high school, holiday center, leisure center, associations, do not hesitate to contact us to help us raise awareness among our children in order to preserve our environment.

Prices according to request
Up to 20 people and more

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